Saturday, May 30, 2009


We had to run some errands over the last couple of weeks and so have some pictures to put up.

Our friend Aimee took us around Insadong the other day so we could do some souvenir shopping.
David eats some Pat-ping-su (bean frozen water--a desert with ice, beans, and some other fruits and sometimes ice cream, very good on a hot day) while admiring the card Aimee made for him. She also made me a beautiful little notebook for my birthday.
Aimee, David, and Arlene next to a Stawberry Girl.
Same as above but me instead of Aimee.

I had to go the library at Yonsei University (the first university in Korea). Arlene takes a picture of David in front of a monument.

David in front of another monument.
David and I in front of a monumnet for a person killed in the democracy movement. Please notice the Mystery Science Theater 3000 "Push the Button Frank" shirt (given to me by Chris and Beth) that I am wearing).

David prepares to eat a 40 cent cup of ice cream from Burger King. It was delecious!

David and his little friend at church.

Attempting to escape from church!

David at the playground. He enjoys it a lot more than is apparent in this picture.

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