I'm busy preparing for my trip but decided to take a break to put up a few photos. Evansville has two malls. One is basically dying and so they are using the space for various events. They put on a kind medical exhibition to help kids get used to going to the docotr (behind you can see a station where you can give your stuffed animal an examination). here a clown makes David a balloon sword. Plyaing with another little boy at the exhibition. David made this all by himself. David paying hide and go seek with an older kid at Newburgh park. They were looking for clues as they played some sort of pretend game about a haunted house. It was really cool (especially when they asked David if he wanted to play, he was scared of the idea so they had to explain to him that it was not real before he was willing to play). David hiding in a banker box. Dad, David, and I went out to "Donut Bank" together (I deposit my donuts there so they can earn interest). My grandpa used to take me there so we decided it would be fun for the three of us to go. Other then that, not much going on except getting ready to go and doing a lot of proofreading. Today I served as a lector at Mass. The other lector was a woman who was as tall as I am making for an interesting procession!
Stil no news on the academic job front. Some good news, I am now (junior) manuscript editor for the Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies (http://sjeas.skku.edu/intro/index.jsp). The university that publishes this journal traces itself back to the National [Confucian] Academy (성균관/成均館), started way back in 1398. I've been busy with that and getting ready for the conference in Hawaii (we will present on March 31) and my oral defense on April 8. I'll then return back to Indiana on April 9.
I've been staying pretty busy. Last Wednesday (Feb 23) I went to go pick up my friend Minkyoung from the airport (she is starting a sabbatical year at Indiana University--Bloomington). We showed her around town that day, and then on Thursday I drove her up to Bloomington and helped helped her get settled in that day and the following afternoon. I also was able to meet with my old Korean language professor. During that time, I set up my campus visit for March 1-3. I traveled to the university on March 1st and had dinner with two members of the faculty. The next day I interviewed with the dean, the faculty members and some other adminstrators, had lunch with the students, and gave my job talk. I was really happy with how things went and was impressed with the people and the institution. I really hope I get the job, so please keep me in your prayers.
Two funny things happened during the job talk. The first is that during one interview, my cell phone rang! I had locked it earlier and had thought I turned it off. However, you can't turn it off when it is locked, but the screen goes black as if it is turned off! I apologized and the professor just laughed and said it was ok (it helped that he had been having phone trouble himself earlier that day). In addition, during my job talk, the president of the university came in. I didn't know he was going to come, and recognized him from the website, and so my heart skipped a beat and I stumbled for a few seconds after that (I was told after the talk that it didn't show).
David, Arlene, and Minkyoung in front of the Ohio River.
Walking the river path.
David and Minkyoung in the Newburgh Trolley.
Arlene and Minkyoung in front of the trolley.
Minkyoung teaching David.
My hotel room. I love the view.
A close up of the view from my room. A big brick wall!
Minkyoung's apartment. There is something disturbing about this, and I don't mean the non-smoking apartment sign!
Saint Charle's Church. I stopped in on the way to meet with Professor Lee. It's on 3rd Street and is where my dad atteneded Mass when he was at IU.
Saint Charles from the outside.
There were a couple old pictures/movies I wanted to put up earlier but forgot to.
David with his friend at Chick-fila David and Samantha riding in the train.
One of my favorite movies, David and Samantha at the mall.