Friday, November 21, 2008

This week's happenings

We have had a pretty good week. I was able to get to the office several times and do a lot of work. I had my Korean final on Monday and did well enough on it to progress to the next level. On Thursday we had our first dissertation support group meeting. It went well and I learned a lot. However, we made the mistake of doing it to late in the evening. I had trouble getting home and didn't make it back until about 12 (I usually go to bed between 9 and 10)! On Friday we had a "Fulbright Forum". A senior scholar gave a talk on the move from the Articles of the Conferedartion ot the US constitution. It was pretty interesting as he talked about the influence of John Locke and the lack of influence of Thomas Hobbes. He also argued that Jefforson was a kind of plagiarist (though he did so in a rather light hearted manner, it wasn't meant to be a serious charge).

This week we received a lot of kindness. One of our neighbors came by and gave Arlene some pants and Na Tata (Arlene's Filipino friend here) gave us a lot of things, including another pair of pants. Yoori also dropped by and loaned us the toys that her daughter no longer plays with and gave us a lot of food. Here's a picture of Yoori, David, and one of the toys she gave him.

The weather is getting colder so we can't take David out as much as we would like. Her timing was perfect. He really loves with this toy and is even playing with it as I write this post!

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