Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pepero day

This was an eventful week in Korea. First, November 11th (Veterans Day/Remembrance Day in North America) is Pepero day. On that day you buy pepero (a kind of pretzel covered in chocolate) and give it to your sweetie. I bought some from Arlene. The thing is you can give them to other people as well so in the morning of the 11th we found that the executive assistant, who lives next door to us, put three boxes on our door!

On the 13th is the big day for college examinations (the ones taken by high school students that do much to determine their future lives). On that day people live for work late--making the traffic less congested so the kids can get to the tests on time. Things are also arranged so that there are no airplane flights near the test center the students won't be disturbed. Really serious stuff!

My partner and I finished our part of our translation so that was a big relief. Monday is the final for my Korean class, then I get two weeks off before class begins again.

On Friday we went to buy Arlene a jacket at Hyundae department store. David likes getting attention from the clerks and often reaches out his arms so they will pick him up. He had his picture taken three times by them!

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