Yesterday "Crispy Yummy's" a new donut store had its Grand Opening. David enjoyed a yeast donut. John didn't care much for his hot dog donut, as it was spicy.
Line at the donut shop. It strechted out the door. Notice the woman in the Chick-fila outfit. We went to Chick-fila later that day and she reconized us there. Greenwood really is a small town!
David earned his third "Terrific Kid" award (given by the local Kiwanis Club). It included a coupon for a prize at the museum. They had a treasure chest and David picked out this baseball-shaped bubble formula. The woman who actually hands out the awards is on a committee with me at Lander (a really small town!).
Getting ready to put the "Terrific Kid" bumper sticker on the van. I'll try and post as soon as I return from Korea/Japan and recover from jet lag. Please say a prayer for safe and on-time flights!