Sunday, November 1, 2009

An Chunggun Conference

From October 21st to the 27th I was in Korea for an An Chunggun conference.

Here is the room I presented in.
From left to right are Professor Cho, who was my advisor while I was in Korea and who arranged for me to be part of this conference, Professor Simirtseva, me, and two professors from China.

The old Fulbright building.

My hotel was only about 100 feet from the Orthodox Cathedral. This is the inside.

Here is the outside.

I had to go to Myeongdong to run some errands. Someone here is giving out free hugs. .

I stayed until the 26th to see An Chunggun's official commemoration ceremonies. They were really amazing. Usually they are just in a little auditorium but this time they were outside with a jumbotron and dancers. Usually you just go but this time I had to have a ticket. They even had security: I had to go through a metal detector.

My hotel.

They had a special An Chunggun mass that evening.
It was good to go back to Korea but I was sad because there was not enough time to meet everyone that I wanted to. I apologize to anyone who reads this that I wasn't able to meet.
I also have some good news. There is a good chance that Jimoondang will publish me and my co-translator's translation of the works of An Chunggun!

1 comment:

aimee said...

yay!!! congrats on the possible publication! and hooray for the trip back to korea. it's always hard to make those short trips, but i'm really glad you got to attend the an chuggun commemoration and events and to present!