Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pictures from Mom's Birthday

Mom's birthday cake
My grandfather (Ozzie) used to tell a joke that went like this:
Ozzie: Ask me if I'm a fireman
Me: Are you a fireman?
Ozzie: No. Ask me if I'm a bandsaw.
Me: Are you a bandsaw.
Ozzie: Yes.
I miss Ozzie. I inherited a lot of his humor I think. This joke is just brilliant!

Ducks are awesome!

Enjoying a rocking chair at Cracker Barrel

Mom, Dad, and David on Mom's birthday

David helps grandma open her spice rack

Horsie rides!

1 comment:

aimee said...


ducks *are* awesome! and i love that the rocking chair is red. the ones near the cracker barrel where ben lives are not so colorful.