Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Fun

On Sunday of last week we had a Christmas party with our friends Charles and Na Tata. We went to the military base and had mass there. We had Popeyes and Na Tata's delicious lumpia (Filipino style eggrolls) for lunch and dinner washed down with a bit of Makkolli--Korean cloudy rice wine (good stuff but about $1.50 a bottle--the bottles are made of plastic!). Charles and Na Tata gave us some very nice gifts (including a Phonics bus for David which he loves--it sings about the different sounds the letters of the alphabet make). We also got to play on their play station 3!
In Korea they eat cake on Christmas so we picked one up for the party. There are bakeries everywhere and they offer all sorts of promotions to get you to buy. When I bought this cake I got a free pair of white earmuffs that had headphones in them so you could listen to your mp3 player in the cold. I don't know if they will ever be used though. The Korean figure skater, Kim Yonha advertises for one Korean bakery and if you bought there you got a kind of hooded shawl, similar to what Redding Riding Hood woudl wear.
Arlene and David. Arlene is showing two of her Christmas gifts. One is a music cd by the artist "Rain" and the other is the music Kim Yonha skates to.
Mass as taken from inside the cry room.
A very busy picture. A statue of Mary and the child Jesus in the back, with a nativity scene in the center and two Christmas tress off to the side! Still, keeps us in mind of the reason of the season, the incarnation of the second person of the Trinity in our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ.

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